CockroachDB as drop in for PostgresSQL storage?
Nick Selleh
2017-10-19 14:23:55 UTC
good morning datomic people,

I've recently been involved with standing up datomic for a project at work,
with a single PostgresSQL server as the storage service. This is a single
point of failure in an otherwise fully HA architecture. I'm aware of
master:master traditional SQL clustering solutions like galera for MySQL
etc, but having lives through a galera implementation, I'm not keen on
going back down that rabbit hole.

My question to the group at large is if datomic is compatible *as is* with
CockroachDB <https://www.cockroachlabs.com/>?

CockroachDB TL;DR - Highly consistent, PostgreSQL wire protocol, automated
horizontal scaling & repair, highly available by design, multi master SQL
DB cluster inspired by google spanner.
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